Legal requirements related to importation and exportation have significant impact on movement of goods into and from China and other Asian countries. By providing recommendations, tailored advice and expert assistance on compliant and efficient importation into and exportation from China and other countries, GTC can help you streamline the international trade process. Through advocacy, training, and taking your case before government agencies and appellate bodies, the experienced customs and trade professionals of GTC.can assist you in the optimization of your company¡¯s needs in the fields of customs valuation,classification, transfer pricing, product safety, free-trade zone and other customs bonded operations, processing trade programs, ...
Business and Supply Chain Planning and Process.
By providing expert advice on international trade-related elements of clients¡¯ business and supply chain plans and process designs, we are able to assist our clients in ensuring that cost and timing implications of cross-border...
Internal Audit and Due Diligence.
We are able to provide a full range of services to our clients in the conduct of internal compliance reviews on customs and trade matters, and to provide due diligence services in this field for companies involved in corporate ...
Tariff Classification.
Customs duties for all imports, and admissibility and other government requirements for many, are based on the classification under the Harmonized Tariff Schedules. We can assist in analyzing the possibilities optimizing your classifications, including obtaining ...
Customs Valuation.
Customs valuation is one of the most important and difficult issues with China Customs and other customs services in the region. We thoroughly understand China¡¯s valuation code and practice, the international agreement upon which it is based, and the application...
ZHAOKANG JIANG is the managing director and partner of GTC in China (Beijing, Shanghai). He works with multinational clients in key business areas including IT, aerospace, retailing, energy, chemical, automotive, medical, electronics, textile, E-commerce and consumer products. His areas of expertise include resolving customs and international trade compliance issues, increasing business efficiency through formulation of supply and trade chain compliance and efficiency strategies in China and throughout the Asia-Pacific region.

Mr. Jiang focuses his services on customs, import ...
Mr. Chen is Senior Consultant, GTC, resident in the Beijing Office.

Mr. Cheng is an expert on China Customs and Trade Law. Prior to joining the firm, he worked at China Customs Headquarters for three decades and over that time was a leader in the modernization of China¡¯s customs laws, regulations and implementing procedures.

In May of 2010, he retired from the senior position of Deputy Assistant Commissioner, Law and Policy, where he was in charge of litigation, administrative review and ...
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  China World Tower Suite 1523
1 Jianguomenwai Avenue
Beijing 100004
Tel : +86(10)6505-9900
Fax: +86(10)6505-7390
Mail: info@gtclawyers.com
  Shanghai Center Suite 737
1376 Nanjing Road West
Shanghai 200040
Tel : +86(21)6279-7700
Fax: +86(21)6279-7701
Mail: info@gtclawyers.com
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