Q. What are the qualifications and qualities of Kindermusik Educators?
Q. Can I enroll my child even if a semester has already started?
Q. Kindermusik programs include "Home Materials". What are they & do I really need them?
Q. What if...He runs. She cries. He just sits there.
Q. My child and I have a lot of fun in Kindermusik class, but sometimes I wonder...is she really learning anything about music?
Q. What if I want to enroll my child in gymnastics, dance, soccer, karate, or pre-school?
Q. My child loves Kindermusik class and sings all of the songs and does all of the activities at home, but when we are in class, he just sits there.
Q. Why is there such a range of ages in each class level?
Q. We've been doing the same song for 3 weeks now. Will my child be bored?

Q. What should I do if my infant or child falls asleep on the way to class?
Q.What should I do with my child who cries during Quiet/Rocking time?

Q. Why do you allow some children to have their soothers/pacifiers/thumb-sucking during class?

Q. My child had the scarf that we used for dancing in his mouth. Do you wash the scarves?
Q. My 2 months old doesn't sing or talk, is he really benefiting from the Village class?
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