Hunnan District is a newly-developed city part on the east shore of the Hun River.
Hunnan is the location where the 12th National Sport Festival of China in 2013 will be held and where the new municipal government will move to.
With the big movement of Shenyang's city core to the south, Hunnan is the focus of the development in Shenyang and going to be the new city center next year. [ click here for more... ]
It is the fastest growing region, and a transport hub connecting the old economic area and new political and industrial center of Shenyang city.
Due to the convenient location with clean air and ecological conditions, as well as the new design and landscape planning, it’s the ideal living circle for Shenyang’s new emerging middle and upper class; it’s the most popular area for living and working with a convenient transportation network which also includes an airport and a train station; it’s also a culture and athletic center by having the national games village, lots of universities and conference centers[ close ]
On the following map one can find Hunnan New Town, Please move your mouse over the map to get more information